David Eddings Wiki

Ulgoland was the land of the Ulgos, named after UL, their god and father of the gods, and as token to the first Gorim, who entreated UL to take the people as his own. It was a mountainous land inhabited by monstrous beasts not found elsewhere in the world. When the monsters were driven mad by the Cracking of the World, the Ulgos survived by retreating to caverns under the mountains.

The site where the capital city was, and the entrance to the caves, was named Prolgu, and one of the holiest sites for the Ulgo race.

As a people, the Ulgos were very religious, as the memory of what it was like to have no god stayed with them through the generations. Some few were diviners, gifted with the ability to pass through solid rock.

In large-scale strategic battles with other armies, Ulgos served as irregulars and stealth operatives, as their dark-adapted eyesight gave them advantages during the night. In the war that led to the battle of Vo Mimbre, Ulgos came into the Angarak camps at night and slaughtered thousands.


Many monsters still thrived in the Ulgoland at the time of Garion. Hrulgin, Eldrakyn, rock wolves, and other monsters lived and hunted in the mountains.

Two prominent Ulgos were the Gorim and Relg. Relg, a diviner, was one of the company in the Belgariad, and had strict ideas about sin. The Gorim was the ruler of the Ulgos and was chosen by UL. Of all the Ulgos, only the Gorim and his successor had blue eyes. This Gorim's was to be Relg's first son who lived in Maragor in his childhood.
